A New Website

Our collaborative process will result in a beautiful website that you’ll be excited to show off.

Your new website will be SEO-friendly, easy-to-navigate and mobile-ready, and will put your brand and content front and center. We won’t just design and build your website, but help with your content, including editing writing and photo touch-ups.

A New Website

  • A new website, ready to help you reach your goals

  • Up to 20 freshly designed pages, featuring your brand, and your look and feel

    • Including a blog, if needed

  • Research into your target audience, market and field

  • A strategy-based layout for your pages and content

  • Three concepts for your website, and up to three revisions

  • Content Strategy

    • We will help you decide what content and how much to include

    • We will help guide where your content should appear on the website

  • Content Collection and Coordination

    • Up to 3 hours of writing and photography coordination (which can include, but is not limited to: gathering photos and written content from your staff, finding the perfect stock photos, gathering bio information from employees)

  • Writing and Editing

    • Up to 3 hours of writing and editing help, including SEO-focused alternative text for images

  • Photo editing or graphics creation

    • Up to 3 hours of photo editing or graphic design, including Photoshop touch-ups, icons and backgrounds

  • Squarespace Training

    • We’ll have an hour long screen-sharing training, and I’ll walk you through how to make website updates on your own

    • Customized documents to reference when you make updates on your own

  • Up to two hours of website support (and brand help) in the week after launch

TOtal Investment: $4000*

*Website hosting through Squarespace is $144 to $216 per year, with an exclusive discount for the first year

Do you already have all of the text and images ready for your website?
Check out our Website in a Day Package!

Let’s get started!

Send us an email at Info@bemboom-design.com